FMT RockPods & RockFloss

Until now, choices were limited if you wanted to learn how to treat with medical cups.

You had to read a book or attend an expensive class that locked you into treating patients with specific, complex protocols.

Not anymore.

FMT RockPods Myofascial Cupping Certification 

FMT RockPods introduces the concept of skin/fascial decompression to help improve tissue mobility, enhance movement and modulate discomfort* with the use of myofascial cups. This course will cover the anatomical, physiological and neurological effects of myofascial cupping on connective tissue gliding, tissue traction and tissue decompression. FMT RockPods will introduce and discuss skin and fascial decompression concepts and present evaluation techniques for the dermal and fascial systems.  Additionally, the course explores using cupping techniques for rehabilitation and performance applications such as postural cueing, biomechanical pattern assists and to enhance visualization of movement. 

Interventions using myofascial cupping will be reviewed and informed by current research, the interventions will be integrated into current rehabilitation and performance applications. Myofascial Cupping is an ancient therapy, first documented over 5,000 years ago, clearly Olympic and professional athletes have gotten the message that what’s old is still new!  Though cups and techniques have changed over time, today’s cups still create a suction and vacuum that allows for a decompression effect to take place under the skin. 


The FMT RockFloss Compression Band Flossing Certification 

The FMT RockFloss introduces the use of compression floss bands to help reduce tissue edema, improve movement and modulate discomfort*.  This course will cover the effects of compression band flossing on connective tissue gliding, tissue traction and tissue compression. Relevant anatomy, physiology and neurology of influenced tissues will be discussed.Interventions with compression band floss (including direction and pressure concepts) will be reviewed and integrated into current rehabilitative concepts.  

The term ‘flossing’ is commonly associated with the image of a thick rubber band wrapped around an athlete’s large muscles, however; ‘floss bands’ are an excellent tool for clinical care and a valuable tool for your patient’s and athlete’s self care programs. 

These courses are intended for health professionals with a basic understanding of soft tissue techniques.  

The Functional Movement Training (FMT) Certification Series are presented by industry leading experts in movement, assessment and rehabilitation. CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, LAc, OTs and personal trainers – depending on location and class type. 

Educational Learning outcomes for FMT RockPods Myofascial Cupping Course:

At the conclusion of the course, attendees will be able to:

  • Define, understand and integrate the myofascial sequencing model 
  • Discover and explore neuroanatomy of the dermal and fascial subsystems 
  • Recognize and demonstrate a novel skin/fascial/movement screening process   
  • Describe and interpret research as it relates to connective tissue gliding, pain modulation, and movement therapies 
  • Define, practice, and combine myofascial cupping techniques related to a variety of soft tissue pathologies 
  • Practice cupping techniques for tension/decompression effects, directional influence of dermal and fascial subsystems, external cueing of movement and graded levels of pressure 
  • Compare, contrast and perform various methods of performance and rehabilitative treatment techniques with silicone myofascial cups 
Educational Learning Outcomes For FMT RockFloss Compression Band Flossing Course

At the conclusion of the course, attendees will be able to:

  • Define, understand and integrate the myofascial sequencing model
  • Define, understand and integrate the myofascial sequencing model 
  • Discover and explore neuroanatomy of the dermal/fascial subsystem 
  • Recognize and demonstrate a novel skin/fascial glide screening process   
  • Describe and interpret current research as it relates to connective tissue gliding and pain modulation
  • Differentiate compression floss band wrapping techniques with graded exposure of tension, direction and pressure parameters 
  • Define, practice, and explain compression floss band application techniques and link them to appropriate soft tissue pathology  
  • Compare, contrast and perform various methods of current rehabilitative treatment (open and closed chain exercise) techniques with compression band floss 
  • Introduce and integrate musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound to identify abnormal tissue gliding

Join the Ranks of FMT Certified Movement Professionals

Functional Movement Techniques (FMT) Certification courses are led by industry leading experts in movement assessment and therapy.  CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, LMTs, OTs and personal trainers – depending on location and class type. FMT Certified professionals receive an additional 10% discount on purchases after taking a class.

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Included in FMT RockPods

Your FMT RockPods registration includes a full set of RockTape RockPods, RockRub Emollient, and RockTape Kinesiology Tape

Set of RockPods


Roll of RockTape

Included in FMT RockFloss

Your FMT RockFloss registration includes 2″ RockFloss Bands and RockTape Kinesiology Tape

RockFloss 2″

Roll of RockTape

On-Site Courses – FMT RockPods and RockFloss

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Virtual, Live Webcast – FMT RockPods and RockFloss

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Virtual, On-Demand Course – FMT RockPods and RockFloss




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