Jessica Hill

DPT, PT, MSPT, CSCS Dr. Hill is a physical therapist, founder of movement solutions company Movement Matters, LLC in VT, and an instructor for RockTape USA.  She has over 18 years of clinical experience in general orthopedics, sports medicine, industrial rehab,...

Stacey Thomas

LMT, SFMA, FMS, NKT CF-L2 Stacey Thomas has been a movement professional since 1997 and a massage therapist since 2005. Her education in movement and therapeutic application spans neurokinetics, biomechanics, soft tissue modalities, strength, and conditioning, and she...

Steve Agocs

DC Dr. Steve Agocs is a chiropractor with over 20 years of clinical and teaching experience. Steve is the Assistant Dean of Chiropractic Education at Cleveland University – Kansas City and has been a RockTape instructor since 2012. Steve continues to see patients at...