Interoception refers to the body’s ability to sense and interpret internal signals, such as heart rate, hunger, temperature, and even pain. In manual and movement therapy, understanding interoception allows practitioners to work with the body in a more nuanced...
Chronic pain is a multifaceted phenomenon that not only impacts our physical well-being but also influences our perceptions and experiences. While traditional approaches to pain management often focus solely on addressing biological factors (the tissues), emerging...
Lower Back Solutions – Kinesiology Tape Effects and Benefits Chronic lower back pain (CLBP) affects millions of people around the world and can greatly impact their quality of life. In fact, CLBP is one of the major causes of years lived with disability in 65%...
When people see kinesiology taping in action, the first question is usually, “Does it work?” followed quickly by, “How does it work?” Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about what this kind of tape does, and how, so this article will get you on the same page...