When it comes to the pinnacle of athletic achievement, few events captivate the world’s attention like the Olympic Games. These elite athletes push the boundaries of human performance, showcasing strength, speed, and endurance. Amidst the intense competition and...
Managing pain and movement dysfunction can be a real challenge, but the combination of effective therapeutic techniques can make all the difference in achieving the best possible outcome. Active Release Techniques (ART®) and RockTape Kinesiology Tape are two methods...
As any athletic trainer marathon training would, Mitch Hauschildt has a foolproof game plan for optimizing runners’ performance during pre-marathon runs. Discover how to utilize soft tissue flossing for running recovery to improve range of motion, down-regulate pain*...
Neuropathy is one of the most frequent symptoms that dramatically reduces the quality of life for patients with Multiple sclerosis (MS). Massage therapy and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) can be helpful for MS patients to prevent or relieve...
This is a list of the best gifts for coaches on the internet, written by our favorite Functional Movement Training (FMT) coach (and bulked up by my swim coach), for all coaches! From gifts that say “Thank you,” and “I’m grateful for your all your hard work” to “Marry...
As the Professional Baseball season winds down, player injuries and baseball athlete joint health become a large part of staying in the game — typically, baseball players suffer from overuse injuries, such as tendinosis’, tendinopathies and chronic soft tissue...