Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders are one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, accounting for significant economic and personal burdens. Despite their prevalence, MSK disorders are often under-addressed, primarily due to their low mortality rates. With rising...
Running season is upon us. As we ramp up the miles, a common side-effect is knee pain. Are you searching for some non-pharmaceutical solutions to managing your symptoms? Consider the use of RockTape (Kinesiology Tape). It has been well supported in the scientific...
Kinesiology tape, also known as elastic therapeutic tape, has become increasingly popular among athletes and individuals with joint and movement dysfunction. This style of tape is designed to support muscles and joints while allowing for a full range of motion by...
Over the past 5 years, kinesiology tape (also known as K-Tape or Elastic Therapeutic Tape) has become an increasingly popular treatment option for individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Knee osteoarthritis is a common condition that causes the degeneration of the...
Kinesiology taping for bunion toe, specifically Hallux Valgus, is a therapeutic treatment that is showing some scientific support. Hallux Valgus is a condition in which the big toe bends outward, away from the foot. It typically appears as a painful bump on the inner...